Grace Reporting
Attn: all concerned parents and family members—
We’re alive and safe!
Everyone is together and happy and having a wonderful time (as far as I
can tell). Our group, as small as it is,
has such a wonderful chemistry and I feel like this week is going to be a great
This is my first time abroad, and I have to say I feel like
I’ve been missing out. There is nothing
more exciting and at the same time peaceful as traveling; the anticipation of
the unknown kept us all awake on the last leg of the overnight trip, on edge
waiting for what we would find in this country.
The drive to Zamorano was my favorite part of the day. Bernadette and I rolled the windows down, and
I didn’t know how to feel. There was
something so devastatingly beautiful about the poverty. We drove past squatters on hillsides who didn’t
have sewage, and it seemed to be slums for miles. Our driver even made us roll the windows up
for safety.
Yet it was gorgeous.
This is the way these people live, and what can we really do? And do we need to change it? Who are we to say these lives need to
change? Needless to say, I had trouble
deciding what we have the ability to influence as developers in this world.
The rest of the day was perfect. The weather is fabulous, warm and sunny with
just enough wind. We got a tour of the
campus and even went swimming. We ended
the day with a thrilling adventure involving Dave and a moto-taxi in the early
part of the night. Regardless of what he
says about developing a conscience, it was still obvious he was itching for
some adventure. Our day ended with a
quiet celebration of Lina’s birthday.
This university is amazing, and this week will be enlightening
for each of us. We’re all looking
forward to learning how this university helps the community.
Guess what guys.. We’re
in Honduras! And we’re learning in the
way we all feel is right. Not
interfering or inhibiting any development, nor instilling our values upon
another group of people. We are observing
and learning and will return having met each of our goals, bringing back both
memories and knowledge to share.
We are glad you have arrived safely. Happy birthday, Lina. We look forward to reading about your Honduran experiences, and especially to reading about interactions you have with the people there. Stay healthy!